apartments in malangen resort

2020 was all about getting out of my comfort zone. At least that’s what the plan was until Covid hit and we all became scared to even leave our houses. I had planned to visit 3 countries that year and was lucky to have ticked Norway off just 2 weeks before the first lockdown!

little chalet house in norwegian forest

What are fjords?

I never liked winters but I’ve been obsessed with fjords for as long as I can remember. Fjords are long, narrow, deep bodies of water carved out by melted glaciers which caused sea levels to increase considerably and fill the U-shaped valleys. Beneath their cold, dark waters lies a rich underwater world full of colour and life. Vast reefs of coldwater corals, several types of fish, plankton and sea anemones.

Norwegian fjords offer some of the most dramatic landscapes in Europe. There is an estimated 1190 fjords in the country and they are so integral to not only the landscape but also the culture of Norway.

I could have done a fjord cruise from  Tromso but I wanted to experience real life in the fjords, meet people who live there and soak up the breathtaking scenery so I booked a short trip to Mestervik, a remote village in the Balsfjord Municipality in Troms og Finnmark county. The village is located near the southeastern end of the Malangen fjord and is about an hour’s drive from Tromsø.

Malangen Resort

I stayed in Malangen resort , a stunning 4* hotel situated in an idyllic and remote location right on the waterfront of Malangsfjord, which stretches 60km from the Hekkingen Lighthouse to the small village of Nordfjordbotn. Here, you meet nature in its rawest form with Malangen resort being the only sign of civilisation you’ll see for miles. The rest of the landscape is made of arctic mountains, forests and glacial meltwater.

Getting There

You can hire a car from Tromsø airport or in the city centre which would allow you to explore the whole region but if you want to avoid driving in the snow then Malangen resort offers direct transfers twice a day from downtown Tromsø (the pick up location is the Scandic Ishavshotel) and/or Tromsø Airport.

On site accomodation

Malangen resort comprises a hotel and separate self-catering accommodation. You get the choice to stay in hotel rooms, cabins or apartments.

There are 10 hotel rooms, 2 premium and 8 standard but all offer panoramic views of the fjord.

premium bedroom at malangen resort

The Resort has 20 apartments stylishly built in the typically red-painted Norway fisherman houses right by the sea. Each apartment has two separate bedrooms and sleeping space for up to four people. I stayed in one of the apartments which was directly facing the fjord and felt like I was floating the whole time. The balcony was so deep in snow it took some effort to open but I couldn’t help standing outside and facing the most spectacular show nature had yet to show me.

If you want the panoramic views and the extra comfort and space you can stay in one of their five Rorbus which are fisherman’s cabins with sea views. The cabins are located high up from the shoreline and offer amazing panoramic views of the fjord through large windows. Each cabin is fitted with an equipped kitchen and a large living and dining area. The cabins can sleep up to six people and are great for groups or families with small children.

cabins at malangen resort


Malangen resort offers a restaurant with a bar serving traditional northern Norwegian food. The restaurant is large and bright with great sea views. The menu is rich in seafood due to the proximity to the sea and every meal uses the finest ingredients which are sourced locally. I thought the food was exquisite and loved everything I had on their menu but my favourite delicacies were the reindeer sirloin and lamb shank.

food images at malangen resort

There is also a stylish lobby where you can enjoy a quiet moment and a large outdoors terrace with direct access to the sea which I can only image would be delightful to sit in the summer months.

lobby and terrace area


The resort has a large sauna and an outdoor jacuzzi which are located a short distance from the apartments and can be booked privately. I love saunas so naturally this was my favourite thing to do! The large glass-fronted sauna is right by the waterfront from which you can enjoy spectacular views of the fjord and the snowy mountains while basking in the heat of the sauna. Next to the sauna is the open-air hot tub where you can relax in hot water, surrounded by frozen wilderness, total silence and if you are lucky a northern lights show.

sauna with view on the northern lights

Top Winter Activities

There are tons of activities to do in the area. The resort takes care of everything. The staff are attentive and go out of their way to make sure their customers have an unforgettable experience. Some of my favourite activities include:

Going on a husky or a snowmobile safari

This fun excursion takes you through a scenic route where you’ll ride past frozen lakes and narrow forest trails. You will be in the care of an experienced guide who may even let you swap places on the snowmobile if you felt comfortable riding. the hotel provides all the gear, clothes as well as a hot meal. Malangen Resort is one of few dog sledding providers in Northern Norway, where the huskies can wander freely in the dog yard instead of being chained up. The dogs are so happy and playful and I had the privilege of visiting their camp and seeing them as they were being prepped for action.

Sami Storytelling and Reindeer Feeding

sami storytelling camp

The Sami are the indigenous people living in Europe’s northern extremes. You will have the opportunity to visit a lavvu (Sami herdsmen’s tent) with an expert guide and get an insight into their culture. You can sit in front of an open fire and listen to stories from their folklore about their way of life and history. You will be offered an authentic meal cooked on fire and a chance to visit and feed the reindeer who freely graze in the area.

Northern Lights Watching

If you are lucky, you can watch an aurora show from the comfort of your room as Malangen Resort is located in a hotspot area and it’s not uncommon for the northern lights to appear several nights in a row. If you want to maximise your chances of seeing the aurora in Mestervik the hotel can arrange this experience with an experienced guide at their basecamp, Camp Nikka , which is set in a location that experiences less cloud activity. You will walk with the guide to the basecamp which is around 20 mins walk from the hotel and you will wait inside a lavvu while enjoying a light meal and hot drinks by an open fire. This activity is often conducted in groups.

Walking in the frozen forest

walking in the forest

I highly recommend going for a walk in the magical forest. There are several paths around the hotel and they all lead to beautiful and unspoiled places. It’s cold and you will be knee-deep in snow but the air is so pure you will feel your lungs hugging you in gratitude. I have never felt more peaceful and in harmony with nature. I met locals who were happy to stop and chat about their village and ways of life.

Experiencing the Blue Hour

blue hour graduation collage

This is an exceptionally amazing phenomenon that makes visiting Norway in winter worthwhile. Polar nights take place between November and the end of January and during this time there is no noticeable difference between day and night.

blue hour in malangen resort

I visited at the start of February as I wanted to experience a bit of daylight. During this time, the sun is positioned below the horizon so that the blue particles of light are bent by the atmosphere, resulting in the whole landscape being coloured in blue. I thought I had to get up really early to witness the blue hour but found out to my delight that sunrise wasn’t until 9 am! I went out when it was still very dark and waited, I was chilled to the bone but it didn’t take long for the show to start. As the light started to break through, the sea and surrounding fjord were covered in a blanket of indigo light. The light was gradually changing and getting lighter until daylight broke through. I don’t know how long the whole thing lasted but it felt like a dream from which I didn’t want to wake up.

I loved my little escape to Mestervik and learning about life in the fjords. Fjords are also worth visiting in the Summer when you can enjoy the midnight sun and several outdoor activities. You can book your accommodation at Malangen resort here.


  • December 3, 2022

    Wow, this is an amazing place. Norway is a wonderful place for a good vacation. And you can watch the northern light from the room? Waa that’s so cool.

  • December 4, 2022

    Oh my goodness, Norway looks amazing so stunning and crisp! Beautiful, thanks for sharing. I had no idea ‘blue hour’ was a thing that is so cool and something to add to my list for when I visit

  • December 5, 2022

    I dream of taking a cruise in the Norwegian fjords, staying there for a few days and enjoying all the possible activities. I’ve already had a chance to see the northern lights in Iceland, but hunting for northern lights can never be too much, I guess! So I’m going to target Norway as my next destination to see them 🙂

  • Kellt

    December 6, 2022

    This is my kind of place! I love fjords and being able to see them from my room would be amazing. Dog sledding is also high on my bucketlist so count me in for that. A bucket list destination for sire!

  • December 6, 2022

    This accommodation looks gorgeous, wow! I love the apartments that are like typical red-painted Norway fisherman houses right by the sea–they are sooo cute. I’d love to spend some time in the open-air hot tub and watch the Northern Lights.

  • Renee

    December 7, 2022

    I can see why you love Norwegian fjords. They are indeed some of the most dramatic landscapes in Europe. That’s amazing that there are 1190 fjords. And what a place to stay. I love that view from your bedroom.

  • December 9, 2022

    You have just described something that I would dearly love to do. The hotel sounds wonderful and those trips and experiences just great. It is good that the hotel supplies the cold weather clothing for the outside trips as this is something. I would have to buy and take which could be expensive and cumbersome.
    Those photos are captivation, love the natural blue tinge is a couple of them – it was interesting to read how the sun makes this blue tinge on the atmosphere, as I had never heard of that – so picturesque.

  • December 12, 2022

    What a fabulous way to experience the fjords. I would totally do the same as you, skip the cruise and do it this way instead. Seeing the Northern Lights would just be icing on the cake for the amazing setting. What a really lovely place to spend a winter vacation. Cold but stunning

  • December 12, 2022

    This is such a beautiful experience to have in Norway! Fjords are so stunning, and Norway is just spectacular for its winter scenery in general, this is a perfect way to take in the amazing scenery and winter activities. I’m like you, in the sense that winter is not my preferred season to travel in but for activities and views like that, I’d be willing to get out of my comfort zone to give it a try as well.

  • December 16, 2022

    This is a gorgeous, secluded place. How did you find out about it/hear about it? I’m not a huge winter person but the dog sledging would change that. A wonderful experience, thanks for sharing!

    Carolin | Solo Travel Story

  • Pam

    December 19, 2022

    Omg this all looks amazing. Norway quickly moved up my bucket list after visiting Finland and for many of the same reasons you mention here. The nature is stunning up there in winter. I would love to see the Norwegian fjords and the Malangen resort looks like the perfect place to cozy up in winter. Saving for planning!

  • January 21, 2023

    What a gorgeous place I have long wished to travel to Norway. Fabulous post.

  • June 10, 2024

    I have always wanted to visit Norway, and Malangen Resort seems like a great hotel. And I truly love the pictures in your post. Thank you for the inspirational article!


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