
Hi, I’m Ibtissam and I’m thrilled to have you with me on this journey!

I am a passionate traveller, photographer and storyteller.

Awakened Voyages was born out of my deep desire to explore new places, connect with different cultures and experience the world beyond the typical tourist path.

I grew up in a small town in Morocco where the idea of world travel was more of a distant dream than a reality. If someone had told me that I would one day surf on the shores of Mexico, chase the aurora in the glaciers of Tromsø or hike solo in the Julian Alps I wouldn’t have believed them.

 I was 19 when I took my first flight, but I didn’t catch the travel bug until much later. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of travelling and working in so many beautiful destinations around the world. Each journey has thought me new things about myself and deepened my appreciation for our beautiful planet.

Awakened Voyages is more than just a travel blog; it’s a reflection of my quest to live a life full of rich, meaningful experiences. 

I am an advocate of mindful travel. Our fast-paced, hectic lifestyles can often lead to stress, turning even our holidays into sources of frustration and anxiety, as we attempt to see and do so much in our limited time off.  

Mindful travel invites us to slow down, be present in the moment and truly engage with our surroundings.

Travelling with intent leads to much richer experiences. It helps us make conscious choices about where we go, how we interact with people and what impact we have on the communities we visit and that’s the philosophy I aim to promote through this blog. 

Whether you’re an avid traveller or planning your very first adventure, I hope my stories, tips and insights inspire you to embark on your own journeys – whether they lead you to the other side of the world or to a new corner of your hometown.

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